Thursday, January 28, 2016


           I am Carl Renzel Sapin Sityar, 'Tey' to many, a graduating student from Colegio de Los Baños, Los Baños Laguna, with the degree of Bachelor of Science in Business Administration Major in Accounting Management. I'm 20 years old, born on 31st of December 1995, currently living at Barangay San Antonio Los Baños Laguna. I am the daughter of Ms. Renelie Sapin, a receptionist in a Motel in Ann Arbor  Michigan, and Mr. Crisanto Sityar, self employed. I have two sisters namely, Cris Jhunel, a third year Education student, and Cristine Reniel, a freshmen, Information Technology student, both in a same University, Laguna State Polytechnic University, Los Baños Campus. 

                    When I was 7 years old, my mom went outside the country to work in order to provide for my family, from then on, my parents decided to transfer me, including my siblings under the custody of my grandfather because my father is self-employed, and could not look after us all the time. Upon growing up, I can say that I am the kind of kid who got the chance of getting, not all but most of the things that I want and I need, because of my mom who works abroad. It was hard to grow up not having your mom by your side. Yes, I got the things that I want because she supported us financially, but I didn't got the things that I need, because that "need" is having her with us. 

     As a graduating student, my main objective is to graduate, have a stable job and help my family, specially my mom who supported me from the very beginning. I am planning to work as soon as I graduate in order to help my family and specially, to provide for my mom. I promised her that once I graduated, I will be the one to provide for her and my siblings. I will let her experience the things that she didn't experienced because she chose to work to provide for us. I will do my very best to make my family and most specially, my mom to be proud of me. I am Tey Sityar, a simple kid before, a graduating student today,and a successful person in the future. 

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