Thursday, February 4, 2016

My Future

From My Future

Before anything else, I want to have my own work, in order for me to buy all the things that I need for my family.
From My Future
To establish my own business. To provide for my family.
From My Future
Next is to build my own home.

From My Future
Buy a car. A cyan colored car! I love cyan.

From My Future
Try to buy all the latest gadgets. Bot just for me, but for my family.

From My Future
This will not be forgotten, I promise to buy every shoes that I love, when I got a stable job.

From My Future
Get a lovely walk in closet in my room,

From My Future
Get my bedroom cyan colored.

From My Future
Collect watches.

From My Future
And most of all! Travel around the world! 

This is what my future will look like. I promise! :)

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