Sunday, February 28, 2016

Pre-Final Exam

Bachelor of Science in Business Administration

      Bachelor of Science in Business Administration Major in Accounting Management is a four year degree program that is designed to teach accounting, finance and management. The BSBA in Accounting Management program teaches students all the operations, accounting and financial functions, marketing management, business structures and leadership development within an organization.  

           Bachelor of Science in Business Administration Major in Accounting Management is a business course which specialized in Accounting, which provides the students the knowledge regarding Basic Accounting, Financial Accounting, Managerial Accounting, Cost Accounting, Auditing, Income Taxation, Business Taxation and etc. The course also includes courses that tackles about business management such as Principles of Management, Marketing Management, Business Finance, Money, Credit and Banking, Marketing, Human Resource, Total Quality Management, Math of Investment, Business Math and etc. This course will help the students to become competent when they enter the real business world. Anyone with a degree in  Business Administration is very familiar with the functions of management which is very essential and useful in the field of business, these includes Planning, Organizing, Staffing, Directing and Controlling. 

The goals of this course in general includes, giving students a career oriented business education, emphasizing personal and professional integrity, stress the social responsibility of the business, develop competencies in written and oral communication, quantitative analysis, critical and creative thinking, a breadth of business knowledge and a functional business area or major.

I chose to take up Bachelor of Science in Business Administration Major in Accounting Management because having a degree in BSBA, I could qualify for vital roles in both public and private organizations, especially that I have a background in Accounting, I will be ready to work in different industries in the country or even abroad, and I know that I will continue learning after finishing this course as I can enter the real business world. Being a degree holder of BSBA Major in Accounting Management I could be entitled as business analyst, operations manager, account officer, marketing specialist and even an accountant of a business firm in the future.  There's a bright future ahead of us, if we will just strive for the best. 


                                                                FRIENDS FOR KEEPS

            There are some people in life that make you laugh a little louder, smile a little bigger and live just a little bit better. Friends are one of the most precious gems a person can have, people who can make you feel happy when your sad, help you with your problems in life and cheer you up whenever you messed up. Friendship is one of the best relationship every person should have, no heartbreaks, just a little bit of crazy fights. During my college life, I met different people whom I can treat, not just a friend but as a family, because friends are family. They have been with me since the very beginning, we shared good vibes everyday, shared some together, walk home all together, we may not be the bests of friends, but we love each other, and that's all that matters. 
            The people who's with me since day one includes, Kim, the crazy girl of the group who love to take pictures, this gesture of hers is okay since pictures are memories to keep. Eloi is a person I love to be with since she's the kind of person who's fine with everything, she cam be a person who could be anyone's partner in crime, and that makes her a good friend because she will be always by your side every time you need her. Roina is a friend who love to ride on jokes even if it's about her, she is a person with a sense of humor that everyone loves, she loves to have fun, every time we are with her, we feel like everything will went smooth and fine. Another friend of mine, is Abie, she is the bubbly girl of the group, she's also fun to be with because she always smiles in everything that she does, she is a very sweet and kind daughter whom every person should love as a sister.  JM, is also one of my crazy friends, we have the same major including Roina and Abie, that's why we've been classmates and friends since first day of college up until today, he is a person who loves to crack up a joke, rides on every joke that's makes the group happy. He may be sometimes a mysterious type of person, but I've known him for years and he is a friend a to me. They are my friends for keeps and I promise to be their friend even if after college. My other batch mates are also my friends, Vince, Noah, ate Tin, Rose, Joana, Mich, Merissa, Aida, Noe, Morell, Jolo, Mikko, and even the lower batches are considered as my friends, and I want to thank them all for being a part of my college journey here in CDLB, and as we enter the real world after college, I hope we can still be friends. 

                                                                 KEEP IN TOUCH BATCH! I LOVE YOU ALL!

                                               "To those who doesn't believe in us, SUCCESS IS THE BEST REVENGE!"

                                                                                BELIEVE BATCH 2016!


Tuesday, February 9, 2016

My Motto in Life

February 9, 2016

                           The purpose of life is a life of purpose.
                                   - Robert Byrne

             This means that, each and everyone of us has a purpose in life, we may have different purposes, but we definitely all has it. Living the life that we have would be so much better if we will set goals to achieved, dreams to pursue and a path to follow. It's not that we survive in our daily living is an enough reason to continue to live, we should all have a purpose, and that is to do right thing that would make us happy and also the people around us. Another purpose, another reason why we are here, is to glorify God, to praise him because, if not to him we will not be here, and we will never got the chance to live a LIFE WITH A PURPOSE. Let us all be an inspiration to those people who doesn't seem to know that the purpose of life should be a life of purpose. :)

Thursday, February 4, 2016

My Future

From My Future

Before anything else, I want to have my own work, in order for me to buy all the things that I need for my family.
From My Future
To establish my own business. To provide for my family.
From My Future
Next is to build my own home.

From My Future
Buy a car. A cyan colored car! I love cyan.

From My Future
Try to buy all the latest gadgets. Bot just for me, but for my family.

From My Future
This will not be forgotten, I promise to buy every shoes that I love, when I got a stable job.

From My Future
Get a lovely walk in closet in my room,

From My Future
Get my bedroom cyan colored.

From My Future
Collect watches.

From My Future
And most of all! Travel around the world! 

This is what my future will look like. I promise! :)